Review Simple Soothing Facial Toner

Salam tuesday uolsss. 

As uols aware sekarang, everyone talking about skincare. Sana sini sinun sume skrg nk jaga kulit tau. Kenapa people semakin alert about skincare? Sebab sometimes kulit akan mengalami breakout. Bila dah mengalami breakout, it takes time utk recover. So the most important thing is dont stress out. Take your time okay!!

Sis pun kadang2 mengalami jerawat or bintik2 kecil di muka. Kadang pelik juga. Hai mana dtg korg ni jerawat oi hahahaha. Pikir punye pikir jerawat tu ttp ade. Hahahaha

So sebelum sis merepek cerita pasal breakout ni. Lg baik sis buat review ttg produk toner by simple.

Simple ni antara salah satu jenama femes yg pasti sume wanita or gadis kat malaysia ni tau. Nak tau sbb ape? Sbb produk ni senang utk didapati,mempunyai harga yang berpatutan dan yg paling penting sekali ia selamat untuk digunakan.

Nak tau toner ni berkesan atau tidak? Jom baca review sis di bawah

Why sis choose Simple Soothing Facial Toner?

Sebelum ni sis pernah pakai toner loreal. Yg whitening and revitalift. Tapi toner yg whitening tu pas sis pakai kulit rasa kering. But yg revitalift its ok. 

Tup2 slps sis follow tiktok and ig skinfluencer sis baru teringat utk baca ingredients kedua2 jenis toner tu. And guess what? They contains alcohol. 

Tanpa berlengah lagi, sis google and found out this simple toner. They claimed  they have no artificial parfume or color and non alcohol. So sgt sesuai utk my combination and sensitive skin. 


Ini adalah botol toner kedua yg sis guna. Sis guna jenama ni start MCO haritu. Maybe too much drops sis guna tu yg cepat habis hahahah. But damn i like it so much phewwww


Simple facial toner ini  adalah :-

- a perfect blend of multivitamins and skin loving ingredients to keep your skin toned and refreshed.
- removes any alkaline residue left after cleansing, helping restore the balance to your skin's natural pH level.
- great for sensitive skin.

When and how to use

Toner ni sis guna dalam morning and night skincare routine. 

After cleansing sis apply generously amount of toner  to a cotton pad. But sometimes ade jugak org pakai direct by using palm and dab dab till the drops fully absorb.

But instead of it sis choose to use cotton pad. Wipe the cotton pad all around the face. Then dab dab it for about 10 seconds. Make sure avoid it getting into ur eyes okay. 

After finish toner, uolss continue step yg seterusnye. Iaitu essence, ampoule or serum, moisturiser and spf (siang).


Dekat bottle toner tu uolss can see all their ingredients such as :-

- pro vitamin B5
- chamomile
- witch hazel
- allantoin

For more info bole google through

With no artificial parfume, no artificial colour, no harsh chemical, no paraben, no animal derived ingredients and its dermatologically tested

For more close up picture look at here 😍


It comes with cute little light green bottle contains 200ml. 


Sis beli di watsons dengan harga RM 16+, masa tu ade diskaun. For normal price it costs RM 19. Produk ni ade dijual di watsons, guardian and caring. Senang untuk didapati.

Scent and texture

Texture toner ini more like air mineral. Xde fragrance and xde alcohol so xde bau ape pun yg sis dapat hidu hahaha. Its really cepat resap. Dlm 10 saat dah absorb okay. 

Does it actually do anything

For this whole 3 months sis guna toner ini. Im just amazed of it. Seriously okay, sis x tipu. Maybe because kandungan dlm produk ini yg selamat utk digunakan untuk my combination and sensitive skin. Lepas pakai toner ni sis tiada rasa overdry atau rasa tight pada muka. It just fastly absorb to my skin.


4 / 5 stars


Sis suka dengan toner ini and of course sis will repurchase again and make it 3 bottle done. Hahahaha. So far sis belum ade terpikir utk try any other toner than this. So sis akan stick with this toner for a while. 

Do not use this toner if any allergies timbul after uolls pakai. Discontinued. Consult with your doctor first.


Ini bukan tajaan atau bayaran produk review. Ini adalah review personal sis sendiri. Produk dibeli dengan titik peluh sis sendiri hahahahaha.

Terima kasih utk uols yg rajin baca review sis ni. Jika ade salah or silap info uolss can comment below. Jika ade experience utk produk ini juga bole comment di bawah.

Till now. See uolss again in another entry.



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